Ejemplos de uso de jigs
1. The two countries had agreed to consider a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA), proposed by a Joint Study Group (JIGS), during Yishai‘s visit to India in December last year.
2. The researchers suspended a line in water nearly 4,000 feet deep, with a digital camera and a light looking down on two jigs baited with common squids about 10 inches long.
3. Although the name of the charity event –– "Stramash III: Revenge of the Haggis" –– was more than a little intimidating, a crowd of 600 streamed to the daytime celebration of Scottish culture to hear the identical Proclaimer twins, and lingered for bagpipe tunes and traditional jigs by men in kilts.
4. Send your thoughts to sean.ingle@guardian.co.uk Sean Ingle Friday June 3, 2005 Graham Thorpe÷ playing in his 100th Test today Pre–amble÷ If poor Bangladesh found life tough at batsman–friendly Lord‘s, then you have to fear for them at the Riverside, where the ball usually jigs about more than Michael Flatley on Pro–Plus.
5. But the band was on loan from the Russian Navy, most of the middle–age–and–then–some men clinked glasses with something–less–age Russian companions, and the strains of Bon Jovi set the pace for the dance floor, rather than poop–deck jigs with Spanish ladies.